프리미티브 테크놀리지 (primitive technology 원시시대 기술 ) 유튜브에서 화제다.
영상내용은 소박하다.모든 재료를 자연에서 얻어 집을 짓거나 바구니를 짜고 손도끼를 만드는게 끝이다...
이영상은 현대 기술로부터 얼마나 내가 멀리 떨어져 생활할 수 있는지 보여주기 위한 것이라고 정리했다.

I made this bow and arrow using only primitive tools and materials.The bow is 1.25 m (55 inches) long and shoots 60 cm (2 feet) long arrows. I don't know the draw weight - safe to say greater than 15 kg (35 pounds) perhaps? The stave was made from a tree that was cut with a stone axe and split in half with a stone chisel. I don't know it's name but it's common here and is the same wood I use for axe handles. One half was 

Posted by 삶의길